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Questions to Ask Your Muskrat Camper – Thursday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…


  1. Counselors have told many stories this week, some true and some pretend. What was your favorite story? Can you tell me some of it?
  2. Blackfeather and Buffalo camps got to join together for a big game of Werewolf on Thursday. Did you like the original version or the Werewolf Hunter version better? Why? What was your secret animal in each round?
  3. We end each camp day with a closing circle and pass around the talking object. What is a talking object? What do you do when you are holding it?

BUFFALO CAMP (Melissa’s Group)

  1. Blackfeather and Buffalo camps got to join together for a big game of Werewolf on Thursday. Did you like the original version or the Werewolf Hunter version better? Why? What was your secret animal in each round?
  2. We have a lot of options to choose from during water time such as building, looking for critters, and having splash battles. What is your favorite water time activity? Have you found any cool animals or natural objects?
  3. Have you made any new friends this week? What is there name? What is one thing that you learned about them?