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Questions to Ask Your River Rangers Camper – Tuesday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

TURTLE CAMP (Carson’s Group) and GNARLY STUMP CAMP (Pat’s Group)

  1. Its River Rangers week and we’ve already learned so much! Yesterday we learned about invertebrates and went searching for them along the river. What is an invertebrate? Which ones did you find by the river?
  2. On Tuesday, we went fishing in the river. What was your fishing pole made of and how did you decorate it? What did you choose to use for bait?
  3. Besides learning a lot about the river and about fishing, we’ve also played some amazing games. This week our groups have played Werewolf, Kick the Can, Northern Water Snake, and many more! What are you some of your favorite games at camp? Has your group come up with any great strategies? What does it mean to “play with honor”?