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Questions to Ask Your Sense of Adventure Camper – Tuesday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

TURTLE CAMP (Ebonee’s Group) 

  1. On Monday, we used our sense of sight for an activity on perspective. What did you see on the nature walk? What did you draw? How did looking through the cardboard roll make your perspective change?
  2. Gnarly Stump and Turtle joined forces today for a giant game of Six Feathers! How is this game played? What was your team name?
  3. Your group also played a game called Werewolf. Where was the game played? What have you learned so far about “playing with honor”? 

GNARLY STUMP CAMP (Carson’s Group)

  1. For our Sense of Adventure week, we explored the sense of taste in the woods through an edible plant walk. Which plants in the park are edible and what do they taste like? sour? bitter? sweet?
  2. On Monday, your group found some slithery creatures at the river. What were they? Do you know what type they were? (Hint: northern water snake and queen snake)
  3. Gnarly Stump and Turtle joined forces today for a giant game of Six Feathers! How is this game played? What was your team name?