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Questions to Ask Your Wild Games Camper

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

  • It is Wild Games week! We have played lots of different games. We even tried out creating our own game! Which was your favorite? What are some elements that make a good game? 
  • The warmer weather mid-week brought animals out from their winter hiding spots. What animals have we seen so far? What animals did we hear all around the lake?
  • This group loves stories! What stories have you heard? What were they about?
  • We had an amazing time exploring all the way down a tributary this week. What are some cool things we saw and did?
  • Even though it was raining, we were able to play lots of games in the mess hall! What games did you play? What did you like about them?
  • We have found 2 snakes this week! What kinds of snakes were they? How can you tell? (Hint, their bodies had different colors and patterns!)