Looking for outdoor adventure? Look no further than Outdoor Survival Skills camp! We spent the week learning the basics of fire-building, shelter-making, edible plant-testing, water-finding […]
We crammed as many wilderness skills as we could into this jam-packed week. We learned the basics of using a compass and map, how to […]
New friends, old friends, fairy houses and toad abodes–we had it all at Otter camp! We spent our week exploring Umstead State Park, visiting places […]
We had a delightful (and short!) camp week together at Umstead State Park. We explored the tributary and creek and found a bunch of critters […]
This exciting week of spring camp was filled with new challenges, new friends, and new skills! Our campers worked hard to improve their abilities at […]
We traveled back in time for this week of spring camp! Campers got to try their hand at pioneer skills like throwing tomahawks, whittling, and churning […]