December 7, 2017

Spooky Shenanigans Photo Gallery

Our campers had a frightfully fun week out at Harris Lake County Park, doing everything from building monsters to learning about fire to finding native critters! We kicked off the week with some gardening work at Schoolhouse of Wonder’s adopted garden where campers and counselors worked with park staff to tend a small plot. We […]

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November 8, 2017

Wild Games Photo Gallery

Our Wild Games campers stole feathers, found hearts, ran, hid, and jumped through the fall woods with friends this week.  We got to play a ton of games including some Schoolhouse favorites like Bakweli, 6 Feathers, and Windigo. We also found some time to enjoy the leaves by making all kinds of Earth Art and […]

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November 3, 2017

Backcountry Adventures Photo Gallery

Our Backcountry Adventures campers had an exciting week learning the basics of camping and backpacking.  They worked on their map-reading, plant identification, and knot-tying skills.  They assembled three different types of shelter.  They even had the opportunity to practice filtering water using several types of filters and tried Frank’s famous ramen bombs, which was only […]

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October 25, 2017

Critters of Harris Lake Photo Gallery

If it flies, crawls, slithers, hops, or swims, we looked for it at Harris Lake! Our campers fully embraced the theme this week and had a great time learning, exploring, and playing in the fresh autumn air. In addition to Schoolhouse classics like whittling and forest & field games, they managed to squeeze in tons […]

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October 25, 2017

The Hunt is On Photo Gallery

The hunt was indeed on for our campers this week as they worked together to solve puzzles, follow clues, and complete team-building activities. In addition to Schoolhouse classics like playing forest and field games and exploring the creeks, these campers enjoyed some unique activities, like working together to build an obstacle course. They learned the […]

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October 19, 2017

Fall Archer Photo Gallery

At Schoolhouse of Wonder, archery in the forest is one of our favorite things to do! This week, we finally enjoyed some real autumn weather on our woodland target range, as we shot at block targets, balloons, homemade plate targets, and a swinging bag. We also got to explore the mysteries of the forest on […]

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