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Questions to ask your Dragonfly camper (Thursday)

If you’re curious about what your child has been up to in camp this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

  • Playing games in the forest is one of our favorite things! This week we have played Beckon, Kick The Can and Scout Mission. Which one was the easiest to play and which one was the hardest? Why?
  • If you could be one of the animals we have seen for a day, which one would you be? Hint: Toad, Dragonfly, Snail, Catfish, Crayfish, Salamander, etc.
  • The hike back from the creek is a long one but along the way we tell stories, talk with our friends, play games, sing songs and look for critters. What is your favorite thing to do on the hike back from the creek?