If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…
GNARLY STUMP CAMP (Carson’s Group)
- Today we found ourselves way up the river at Sennett’s Hole. Did you float in the hole? Did you find any snakes or other creatures?
- Every morning we start the camp day with the smudge ceremony and share what we are thankful for. What is a smudge? What are the different reasons we start the day with smudge? What did you say you were thankful for today?
- What games have you played so far this week? Which was your favorite? How do you play that game with honor?
TURTLE CAMP (Pat’s Group)
- Today we learned all about Schoolhouse of Wonder’s system of growth rings. What are the categories that a camper can earn growth rings in? Which rings are you hoping to earn this week?
- On Monday, we played Kick the Can in a place called the Big Woods. What does it mean to “play with honor”? Did you get to kick the can and cause a jailbreak?
We went on an adventure hike throughout the Eno. Did you try any of the edible plants? What animals or insects did you find?