August 25, 2022

Questions to Ask Your Summer Songs Camper – Thursday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

  • Each day we’ve gone to the creek to different spots. Which creek spot is your favorite? Do you prefer catching critters or splashing around? What cool critters have you caught so far?
  • Fort building and whittling have been our most popular free time/station activities. Have you been working on either of those activities, if so which one? 
    If you’re fort building, what does your structure look like?
    If you’re whittling, are you interested in earning a growth ring? What does your project look like?
  • Bill has been telling one or more stories a day including Caleb’s stories, Bill’s Childhood Mistakes, the Wind and the Sun and The Hairy Man. Which is your favorite? Do you know it well enough to retell the story?  Did you learn any lessons from these stories?