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Questions to Ask Your Summer Splash Camper – Thursday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

GNARLY STUMP CAMP (Jenna ‘s Group) 

  1. On Wednesday you went fishing in the Eno using cane poles! What did you use for bait? Did you catch any fish? 
  2. Yesterday, your group played a combined game of Werewolf with Turtle Camp. What was your strategy during the game? Did you run or hide from the werewolves? Did you eventually become a werewolf? 
  3. Today you went on an adventure to Sennett’s hole. What was your favorite part about the excursion? Did you enjoy the hike there, picnicking by the river, going on snake hunts, or splashing in the river? 

TURTLE CAMP (Trina’s Group)

  1. Today you went fishing in the Eno using cane poles! What did you use for bait? Did you catch any fish? 
  2. Yesterday, your group played a combined game of Werewolf with Gnarly Stump Camp. What was your strategy during the game? Did you run or hide from the werewolves? Did you eventually become a werewolf? 
  3. On Thursday your group went to Jumping Rock. Did you jump off of the rock into the river? What else did you do while you were there?