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Questions to Ask Your Wild Arts Camper – Tuesday

TURTLE CAMP (Carson’s Group)

  1. Turtle and Gnarly Stump joined forces for a supersized game of Rainy Day Six Feathers. How is the game played? Did you get a feather? Did the rain make it harder or just muddier?
  2. What animal’s skeleton did you find? What was the texture of it like? How do you think the skeleton ended up there?
  3. The group made earth art using items that you found in nature. What did you use? How did it feel using something different than usual for a craft?

GNARLY STUMP CAMP (Ebonee’s Group)

  1. Turtle and Gnarly Stump joined forces for a supersized game of Rainy Day Six Feathers. How is the game played? Did you get a feather? Did the rain make it harder or just muddier?
  2. The group made earth art using items you found in nature. What did you use? How did it feel using something different than usual for a craft?
  3. Your group also worked on an art project using negative space. What is negative space and how did you make your painting?