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August 11-15: Growth Ring Bling

Day Camp


  • Every Day: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • From: Monday, August 11, 2025  – Until: Friday, August 15, 2025
  • Number of Days: 5


  • Wake: Whispering Pines | 2100 Harrison Ave, Cary, NC, 25713

Minimum age: 10  – Maximum age: 12



Growth Rings are a long-standing tradition at Schoolhouse of Wonder and this week campers will get to explore all the growth rings categories, both new and old! They'll have a chance to work on their fire building skills, whittling techniques, plant identification abilities, and more! No matter what skill level campers are at, counselors will help them set and achieve their goals.

*In addition to the theme-related activities listed above, every week of camp will include some classic Schoolhouse activities such as: morning and closing circle, deep woods games, whittling, storytelling, and of course, looking for any critters we can find.


Please note this is a day camp with drop off from 8:15a to 9:00a and pick up at 3:00p to 3:30p or 5:00p to 5:30p each day.