September 2, 2016

Last Week in Lizard Camp

Lizard campers explored the woods by going on a bug safari. They also found lots of baby animals such as a box turtle, a grey treefrog, and skinks. They learned about lizards by playing three games: branch to branch, tails, and a game about camouflage. This group also LOVED mud! They did a lot of […]


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August 31, 2016

Last Week in Earth Art Camp

Earth Art campers explored their creative side with quill writing, creating nature journals, painting, making friendship bracelets and rock statues, building a natural art gallery for the 5-7 year old aftercare kids, whittling (lots and lots of whittling), and forming a band. They also played an awesome game of Six Feathers and visited the creek spot named by Umstead’s very first […]


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August 24, 2016

Last Week in Outdoor Survival Camp

We started off this week with a bang, literally! This week’s Monday pickup produced a wicked awesome storm. The group also enjoyed learning map reading skills, building lean tos, identifying plants, fire-building, knot tying, and whittling.  Awesome wildlife finds were a baby snapping turtle, tulip tree moth, painted turtle, eastern box turtle, northern water snakes, and a […]


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August 23, 2016

Last Week in Cub Camp

Our week in Brumley Forest was awesome! We saw some cool animals like skinks, turkey vultures, turtles, snails, caterpillars, salamanders, butterflies, fish, spiders, and some campers got to see a rough green snake!


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August 14, 2016

Last Week in Young Survivalist Camp (Orange)

Last week was filled to the brim at Brumley Forest. We learned about many different survival skills throughout the week. For water we tried gathering dew, making a solar still, and using plant transpiration in plastic bags. Shelter building was a huge hit, and after many campers constructed debris shelters, campers moved on to more […]


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August 8, 2016

Last Week in Crawdad Camp

Highlights of Crawdad Camp included a nature ramble to the big rocks, decorating treasure boxes, bouncing on “the ride,” playing werewolf, beckon, and sock wars, finding clams in the river, making grass bracelets, and watching a wasp attack a spider and drag it across the forest floor.


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