April 11, 2018

Spring Sprout Walkabout Photo Gallery

Spring Sprout Walkabout was a true spring camp with plants blooming, critters starting to come out, and of course a wide range of temperatures! Our campers braved some chilly weather and enjoyed some warm afternoons building forts, whittling, and exploring creeks. We found plenty of critters including a worm snake, a brown snake, frogs, and […]

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April 9, 2018

Hide and Seek: The Art of Camouflage Photo Gallery

This week we blended in with our environment by making leaf crowns, ghillie suits, and playing a ton of sneaky, hiding games! Dressing ourselves up to look more like the forest was a huge hit, and campers loved playing Schoolhouse classics like Beckon, Scout Mission, Windigo, and Six Feathers. We also spent time studying animal […]

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April 6, 2018

Accept the Challenge Photo Gallery

Challenge made; challenge accepted! Our Accept the Challenge campers had a fun and exciting week filled with adventures of all kinds. They cruised through Team Challenges like the human knot, tennis ball, and crossing Meg’s Chocolate River. They fully embraced the Animal Challenges and were rewarded with a bunch of salamanders and crayfish. They put on […]

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April 3, 2018

Carolina Folklore Photo Gallery

“Gather ’round and listen to this tale of adventure…” We spent Carolina Folklore camp listening to stories from all over North Carolina. From tales originating with the Cherokee Nation to the lore of the Pirates of the Outer Banks, we heard about origins and adventures from different times and places. We also learned tips and […]

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March 30, 2018

Fairies, Trolls, and Windigos Photo Gallery

What do you do when your “spring” camp brings you snow? Build a fire and roast some marshmallows, of course! And what do you do when your theme is about mythical creatures? Build fairy houses, troll bridges, wizard staffs, and fairy wands! We did all that and more out at Whispering Pines this week. We […]

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March 29, 2018

Cast Iron Cooking Photo Gallery

While some folks may have said this week was too cold for camp, our campers out at Brumley Forest found the weather to be perfect for building a fire and grilling up some flapjacks! In addition to learning and practicing basic fire-building skills, our young chefs perfected some old recipes like snakes, pine needle tea, […]

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