September 2, 2016

Last Week in Lizard Camp

Lizard campers explored the woods by going on a bug safari. They also found lots of baby animals such as a box turtle, a grey treefrog, and skinks. They learned about lizards by playing three games: branch to branch, tails, and a game about camouflage. This group also LOVED mud! They did a lot of […]


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August 31, 2016

Last Week in Earth Art Camp

Earth Art campers explored their creative side with quill writing, creating nature journals, painting, making friendship bracelets and rock statues, building a natural art gallery for the 5-7 year old aftercare kids, whittling (lots and lots of whittling), and forming a band. They also played an awesome game of Six Feathers and visited the creek spot named by Umstead’s very first […]


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August 24, 2016

Last Week in Outdoor Survival Camp

We started off this week with a bang, literally! This week’s Monday pickup produced a wicked awesome storm. The group also enjoyed learning map reading skills, building lean tos, identifying plants, fire-building, knot tying, and whittling.  Awesome wildlife finds were a baby snapping turtle, tulip tree moth, painted turtle, eastern box turtle, northern water snakes, and a […]


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