August 4, 2017

Salamander Photo Gallery

Salamander campers had a fun and exciting week full of songs, stories, games, hikes, water time, and much more. They learned to play with honor and went on a natural scavenger hunt with their CITs. They even had the opportunity to design and decorate their own safari hats and go on special “salamander safari.” It […]

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August 2, 2017

Beaver Photo Gallery

Our little beavers had a blast in Brumley Forest! Our beaver theme turned up everywhere – in our games, in our songs, in our crafts, and even in the creek (a beaver skull)! It was a great week with games like Sock Wars, Dragon’s Egg, and Scout Mission (where we helped Beaverly Beaver, the great […]


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August 2, 2017

Woodland Creators Photo Gallery

Our Woodland Creators unleashed their creativity, ingenuity, and teamwork this week to engineer and build some awesome creations in Brumley Forest. Forts of all styles and shapes were built and many campers used their new lashing skills to create structures off the ground with ladders and platforms to climb on! When we weren’t building, we […]


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August 1, 2017

SENSE of Adventure Photo Gallery

SENSE of Adventure campers spent the week seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching the world around them. Each day they wrote in their journals and experienced nature from their “sit spots,” enjoying a unique opportunity to notice things you may only encounter in the forest. While visiting a different creek spot each day, many of […]

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July 31, 2017

Way of the Bow Photo Gallery

Our Way of the Bow campers enjoyed an exciting camp week full of games, whittling, and archery. Our young archers practiced their shooting technique in our forest archery range. In addition to a swinging target and balloons, the campers spent time designing their own targets on paper plates. The campers were also able to explore […]

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July 31, 2017

Willow Photo Gallery

Whether exploring the creeks and river, singing sings, hearing stories, or playing games Willow campers made the most of their shortened camp week. The built forts and explored the forest near their base camps and of course made new friends. It was a delightful week!

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