September 6, 2017

Animal Instincts Photo Gallery

Creatures of all kinds took center stage for our Animal Instincts campers. Between their hikes and daily water time, they saw critters like turtles, crayfish, toads, snakes, lizards, snails, birds, and bugs. They also got the opportunity to touch and explore some neat animal skulls! They learned to read clues like teeth and eye placement […]

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September 1, 2017

Grasshopper Photo Gallery

Our little architects in Grasshopper camp had a blast building and creating structures and nature art. They built forts, a tunnel, and toad/fairy houses. They found critters like turtles, toads, and bugs of all kinds. They also played some classic Schoolhouse games like Beckon and Dragon’s Egg. Of course, no summer camp week would be […]

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August 25, 2017

Snail Photo Gallery

Our Snail campers had a fun and silly week! They played classic Schoolhouse games like Kick the Can and Eagle Eye, went on a snail safari and worked on constructing a wild hut. Of course we found critters like snakes and crayfish and even an eastern box turtle! We rounded out the week with some […]

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