August 10, 2017

Growth Rings Photo Gallery

Our Growth Rings campers had an exciting and unique week. In addition to Schoolhouse classics like playing Windigo and splashing around in the river and creeks, our campers stretched themselves and learned new things. Whether focusing on honing their whittling skills, learning to make primitive fires, identifying plants, or hunting for snakes, the campers experienced […]

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August 10, 2017

Woodpecker Photo Gallery

Woodpecker campers had a delightful week! They played games like Sock Wars, Bum Bum Bum, and Park Ranger. They explored the trails and woods near their camps, searching for critters and building forts. They also took the opportunity to cool off in the creeks and river during these hot summer days.  

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August 9, 2017

Bluebird Photo Gallery

Our curious and observant Bluebird campers had a wonderful week exploring nature. They sang songs and heard stories while they hiked to different places along the creek, visiting many different water spots. They played games like Firekeeper and Beckon and they participated in unique activities like building birds’ nests, learning to use binoculars, and going […]

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August 7, 2017

Feet in the Creek Photo Gallery

Our Feet in the Creek campers had a wet and wild week! They explored new parts of the creek each day and learned about the creatures that live there like crayfish, salamanders, and snakes. They also enjoyed Schoolhouse classics like whittling, story-telling, and playing games like Scout Mission. These happy hikers took full advantage of […]

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August 4, 2017

River Critters Photo Gallery

Gnarly Stump and Turtle camp kids went hard and fast this week with their excitement and enthusiastic energy!  Campers enjoyed playing an array of games with one another, from Werewolf, to Six Feathers, Sock Wars and Scout Mission.  They delved into the theme of the week by exploring the river and creek areas along the […]

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August 4, 2017

Minnow Photo Gallery

Minnow Camp had such a fantastic week!  There week was nonstop fun from games, to water time, animal finds and friendship building.  They enjoyed playing games like Dragon’s Egg and Sockwars. The kids had splashing fun in the Eno this week, and benefited from the perfect mix of weather.  

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