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Questions to Ask Your Chickadee Camper – Tuesday

If you’re wondering what your camper has been up to this week, here are some questions to get the conversation started…

Buffalo – Macon

  • On Monday we played Kneecoup (pronounced knee-coo). How do you play the game? Did you revive anyone or get revived? How did you use teamwork during the game?
  • We went to one of the creeks during water time on Monday. Did you see any animals in the water? Were you able to catch anything while you were there?
  • What did you think of the hike out to Buffalo camp? Did you see anything cool on the trail or in the woods? How was being at Buffalo camp and being far away from any buildings or cars?
Blackfeather – Claire
  • What did you think of the game Kneecoup (pronounced knee-coo)? Did you save other people?
  • Were there any cool animals you can remember seeing? Did you see the red velvet ant or the northern water snake?
  • What did you think of playing in the river? Did you enjoy how deep it was?