June 26, 2023

6 Benefits of Summer Camp That Develop Kids Into Amazing People

Friends at camp - benefits of summer campAs the school year comes to a close, parents may find themselves wondering how to keep their kids engaged, active, and happy during the summer months. While video games and television can be tempting options, they don’t provide the same benefits as an outdoor summer camp. Summer camp is an opportunity for children to step out of their comfort zones, meet new friends, and develop skills that will help them become amazing people. 

Our summer camp program professionals at Schoolhouse of Wonder want to help parents explore some of the amazing benefits of summer camp that can help children grow into the best versions of themselves. From building confidence to fostering independence, these six benefits of summer camp are just a few reasons why summer programs are a valuable experience for children of all ages. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore why summer camp is more than just a fun summer activity– it’s an investment in your child’s future.


#1 – Summer Camp Encourages Social Skills

Encouraging social skills is one of the primary benefits of attending a Raleigh summer camp. For many children, summer camp is their first opportunity to spend extended periods of time away from home, and it provides an environment where they can interact with other children and develop important social skills.

Benefits of Interaction with Other Children

At summer camp, children are exposed to a diverse group of peers from different backgrounds and cultures. This exposure can help them develop empathy, understanding, and respect for others. As they engage in group activities, they learn to work with others, cooperate, and compromise. They also learn to manage conflicts and negotiate solutions, all of which are important social skills that will benefit them in their future interactions with others throughout their lives.

Opportunities for Team Building and Leadership

Many summer camps offer team-building activities and leadership opportunities, which can help children develop important skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and goal-setting. By working together towards a common goal, children learn to trust and rely on one another, which can help build strong bonds and a sense of camaraderie. Additionally, leadership roles provide children with the opportunity to take responsibility and demonstrate their abilities, which can boost confidence and self-esteem.

Development of Communication Skills

At summer camp, children are encouraged to communicate with their peers, counselors, and other adults. This communication can take many forms, from expressing their needs and opinions to active listening and providing feedback. By practicing effective communication, children can learn to express themselves clearly and respectfully, understand others’ perspectives, and resolve conflicts peacefully. These skills are invaluable for success in any social setting, from the classroom to the workplace.


#2 – Fosters Independence

Curiosity - benefits of summer campFostering independence is another important benefit of attending summer camp. Durham summer camp programs provide children with an opportunity to step out of their comfort zones, try new things, and take on new responsibilities, all of which can help them develop independence and self-sufficiency.

Encourages Children to Try New Things

Summer camp provides a safe and supportive environment where children can try new activities and explore their interests. Whether it’s learning to swim, trying a new sport, or participating in an arts and crafts project, children are encouraged to take risks and try things they may not have considered before. By stepping out of their comfort zones, children can discover new passions and develop a sense of confidence in their abilities.

Opportunity to Make Decisions and Solve Problems on Their Own

At summer camp, children are given opportunities to make decisions and solve problems on their own, without the guidance of their parents. Whether it’s choosing which activity to participate in or navigating a group project, children are encouraged to take responsibility for their choices and actions. This can help them develop decision-making and problem-solving skills, as well as a sense of accountability for their choices.

Helps Children Become Self-Sufficient and Responsible

Summer camp provides an environment where children can learn to take care of themselves and their belongings. From keeping their cabins tidy during overnights to managing their own schedules from activity to activity, children are given opportunities to practice self-sufficiency and responsibility. This can help them develop important life skills, such as time management and organization. Additionally, the sense of independence and responsibility gained at summer camp can help children feel more confident and capable in other areas of their lives.


#3 – Provides Exposure to the Outdoors

Providing exposure to the outdoors is another important benefit of attending summer camp in Chapel Hill or the surrounding areas. Summer camp provides children with an opportunity to spend extended periods of time in nature and explore the natural world around them.

Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Spending time in nature has been linked to numerous physical and mental health benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved mood and self-esteem, and increased physical activity. By spending time in the great outdoors, children can develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world and a sense of connection to the environment.

Activities that Encourage Exploration and Appreciation of the Natural World

Many summer camps offer activities that encourage children to explore and appreciate the natural world. These activities can include nature walks, birdwatching, stargazing, and learning about local flora and fauna. These activities can help children develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them and inspire them to become stewards of the environment.

Opportunities to Learn New Skills Outdoors 

Summer camp provides children with an opportunity to develop skills related to outdoor activities, which can help them become more self-sufficient, confident, and resilient.

Outdoor skills can include a wide range of activities, such as hiking, fishing, camping, rock climbing, and more. By learning these skills, children can develop a sense of self-confidence and independence as they become more comfortable with outdoor activities. Additionally, learning new skills can help children discover new interests and passions, which can lead to lifelong hobbies and pursuits.

In addition to developing new skills, outdoor activities can also provide a sense of challenge and accomplishment. Children who learn to navigate a hiking trail, build a fire, or steer a boat can develop a sense of pride in their abilities, which can boost their self-esteem and sense of self-worth. These experiences can also provide valuable learning opportunities, such as problem-solving, decision-making, and teamwork.


#4 – Builds Confidence

Taking risks - benefits of summer campBuilding confidence is another one of the many important benefits of summer camp. Summer camp provides a supportive environment where children can take risks, try new things, and discover hidden talents, all of which can help them develop confidence and self-esteem.

Encouragement to Take Risks and Step out of Comfort Zones

At a Wake County summer camp, children are encouraged to take risks and step out of their comfort zones. Whether it’s trying a new activity or performing in front of others, children are given the opportunity to face their fears and overcome obstacles. This can help them develop a sense of courage and confidence children who do not get the opportunity to attend summer camp may miss out on. 

Positive Reinforcement for Achievements

Summer camp provides opportunities for children to achieve goals and receive positive reinforcement for their accomplishments. Whether it’s completing a challenging hike, mastering a new skill, or working together as a team to complete a project, children are recognized and celebrated for their achievements. This positive reinforcement can help boost their self-esteem and confidence and encourage them to continue taking on new challenges.

Opportunities to Try New Things and Discover Hidden Talents

Summer camp provides a supportive environment where children can try new things and discover hidden talents. Whether it’s a new sport, artistic endeavor, or outdoor activity, children are encouraged to explore their interests and discover new passions. This can help them develop a sense of purpose and confidence in their abilities, which can benefit them throughout their lives.


#5 – Develops Lifelong Friendships

Developing lifelong friendships is another important benefit of attending an Orange County summer camp. Summer camp provides a unique opportunity for children to bond with others over shared experiences and form lasting relationships that can last a lifetime.

Bonding with Other Children Over Shared Experiences

At summer camp, children are placed in an environment where they spend extended periods of time with other children their age. This shared experience can create strong bonds as they work together, play together, and learn together. Shared experiences, such as camping trips, group projects, and team-building activities, can provide opportunities for children to connect with others on a deeper level and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Opportunities to Form Lasting Relationships

Summer camp provides children with the opportunity to meet new people from different backgrounds and cultures. These experiences can lead to long-lasting friendships. For many children, a summer camp is a place where they can form bonds with others who share similar interests and values, and who can provide support and comfort as they navigate different stages of their lives.

Developing Empathy and Understanding for Others

At summer camp, children are exposed to a diverse group of peers from different backgrounds and cultures. This exposure can help them develop empathy, understanding, and respect for others. As they engage in group activities, they learn to work with others, cooperate, and compromise. They also learn to manage conflicts and negotiate solutions, all of which are important social skills that will benefit them in their future interactions with others.


#6 – Provides a Break from Technology

Providing a break from technology is an important benefit of summer camp. Durham County summer camps provide an opportunity for children to disconnect from screens and devices, engage in physical activity and creativity, and learn to entertain themselves without electronics.

Benefits of Disconnecting from Screens and Devices

At summer camp, children have an opportunity to disconnect from the constant stimulation of screens and devices. This break can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and increase focus and attention span. Additionally, disconnecting from screens can provide an opportunity for children to engage in face-to-face interactions, which can help develop important social skills.

Encourages Physical Activity and Creativity

Summer camp provides opportunities for children to engage in physical activity and creativity, such as hiking, swimming, arts and crafts, and team-building activities. These activities can help promote a healthy lifestyle, improve physical fitness, and boost creativity and imagination. Additionally, engaging in these activities can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that can boost self-esteem and confidence.

Helps Children Learn to Entertain Themselves Without Electronics

At summer camp, children have an opportunity to learn to entertain themselves without electronics. Whether it’s playing games, telling stories, or engaging in outdoor activities, children can develop important problem-solving and creativity skills that can help them entertain themselves and others without relying on screens and devices. This can help promote independence and self-sufficiency, as well as foster a sense of community and connection with others.


How Schoolhouse of Wonder’s Summer Camp Programs Are Beneficial for Children and Parents 

Registering for a summer camp program at Schoolhouse of Wonder offers numerous benefits for both children and parents. These programs provide a unique opportunity for children to develop important life skills, form lasting friendships, and engage with the natural world, while also providing peace of mind for parents who want their children to have a fun and safe summer experience.

There are many benefits of attending one of our amazing summer camps, such as: 

  • Developing important life skills, including social, physical, and emotional skills.
  • Engaging with the natural world and developing a deeper appreciation for the environment.
  • Forming lasting friendships and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
  • Building self-confidence, independence, and resilience.
  • Learning new skills and discovering hidden talents.
  • Developing problem-solving, decision-making, and leadership skills
  • Participating in a safe and inclusive community where children can feel comfortable and supported.
  • Improving physical fitness and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Encouraging creativity, imagination, and self-expression.
  • Providing peace of mind for parents who want their children to have a fun and safe summer experience.


Join Our 2023 Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill Summer Programs

Don’t miss out on an unforgettable summer experience! Join our 2023 Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill summer programs and give your child the opportunity to develop important life skills, form lasting friendships, and engage with the natural world in a safe and supportive environment.

At Schoolhouse of Wonder, our amazing team of counselors and staff are committed to providing a summer camp experience that is both fun and educational. Our programs are designed to challenge children, help them grow, and inspire them to discover their full potential. From outdoor activities to team-building exercises, our Raleigh area summer programs are packed with opportunities for children to learn, explore, and have fun.

Join a summer program today and give your child an experience they will cherish for a lifetime by calling us at 919-477-2116 or filling out our contact form to get started.